How ERP Transforms Automotive Industry

Shravan Bhan
5 min readMar 26, 2021
efficiency in automotive industry

ERP in The Automotive Industry is a Boon

Automotive industry witnesses the most drastic shifts among the various sectors in the market. With extremely strict norms kicking in every then and now it becomes extremely difficult to stay stable. For meeting such difficult times and scenarios ERP for the automotive industry can be extremely crucial. Right from its introduction in firms, ERP has always been a choice of all.

Why ERP Systems Are Valuable

Many organizations have seen a healthy jump in their productivity with the implementation of ERP, you will always be in a place to face fierce competition. Studies found that:

  • 5 percent of people opted in for ERP to witness better growth.
  • 4 percent were motivated by cost-effectiveness in the workflow.
  • 76 percent of people invested in ERP to increase their organizational efficiency.
  • 12 percent were motivated by global business underpinning.

ERP software isn’t simple to set up as it may give a lot of issues. While IT leaders and CIOs are abreast of its importance in their workflow, they know how costly it can be in the beginning. Not to mention how painful it is.

Presence of ERP in the Automotive Industry

ERP can be implemented in any automotive department or be it even ERP for automobile dealers. The output of ERP is hidden from none. It optimizes operational costs, optimizing workflow, and maximizing profitability. Though implementing ERP requires a lot of time, effort, resources, and cooperation among different departments within the company.

Although it isn’t cheap to integrate the ERP systems in the automotive industry or even in your supply line, the advantages can recover your initial time, resource, and any investment that you made in the software in a quick span of time. Still, before investing in any sort of ERP, you should always focus on finding the right type of ERP that best suits the need of your organization. Let us discuss seven benefits of ERP below:

  1. Cost-Effective

As we have discussed earlier that ERP systems can be extremely costly. This can force a person to believe that he can save his money by not investing in ERP but here lies the real deal. An ERP system is actually made to save your costs in the long run.

Even one of the benefits of an ERP system is that it removes the need for all fragmented software being used in the workflow of the enterprise. It can handle every type of workflow be it product development, finance, supply change management, inventory management, customer relationship management (CRM), and many more.

Now for some, uniting all these functions in a single umbrella may not be big of a deal. But when you look at it from a different perspective then the difference is clearly visible. While implementing ERP systems in the work frame of the organization, you don’t have to separately train the employees with regards to every individual software. In ERP all the employees need to be given training for a single software that can save precious time and the whole process of enterprise will become extremely streamlined and anyone can work upon the same.

2. Streamlined Collaboration and Communication

An ERP can have a wide array of features but the minimum you can expect from them to have is:

• Processing and sharing data in real-time.

• Optimizing accessibility of database.

• Enhancing the security of a database.

• Enhancing collaboration and communication.

An ERP for automobile dealers eliminates the limitations of having to manually combine the data from different software systems and processes. With its implication, teams can share the complete data on a single system. Above all, it performs all these actions in a completely safe and secure manner.

3. Comprehensive Analytics

Producing a multitude of reports from income reports, expense statements, and key performance indicators (KPIs), to inventory status updates, and much more, ERP makes it simple for the team members to produce the above-mentioned reports in a jiffy.

By generating these reports in such a quick span of time, it becomes easier for the organization to make quick decisions. With its implementation, an enterprise can skip inheriting a dedicated IT team that is otherwise required to process the ERP reports.

4. Higher Productivity

As soon as the ERP systems come into the market we started to witness positive reviews for this system from various different organizations in different sectors. If one looks closely at a business that doesn’t incorporate ERP, we can see a number of activities that are just draining the funds of the organization in a completely wrong direction and in worthless activities.

Still, as the automotive sector is really very dynamic in nature so having some hindrances in the way is bound to happen. Though, we need to make sure that these activities don’t repeat as in that scenario it can hurt the very core of the enterprise which will further reduce the profitability.

5. Enhanced Customer Support

For many out there, ERP is a system that just enhances the effectiveness of the regular workflow or core workflow of the organization. Yes, that’s true to some extent but ERP can also manage and revolutionize the way how you manage your relationship with customers.

ERP system that can integrate well with CRM software opens the door for you to improve the marketing tasks, be it:

  • Nurturing leads that came right from your sales funnel.
  • Making a sale out of a lead.
  • Customer retention by building a relationship with them.
  • Communicating with your potential customer throughout their purchase journey.
  • Reaching out to an extremely large audience online.

Putting that in simpler terms, An ERP system helps you to assist and build relations with your customers through their journey with the organization.


In order to decide whether you should integrate ERP software in the workflow of your business or not, you should definitely put some time and effort into ascertaining a decision. ERP has enormous benefits in the long run of the business so one shouldn’t take its effectiveness lightly. Given its effectiveness in any industry, an enterprise should always use ERP in its workflow.



Shravan Bhan

Shravan is a software development enthusiast looking forward to dig more in the space of IT solutions.